Featherstone Professorship | Association of Anaesthetists

Featherstone Professorship

Featherstone Professorship

The Association of Anaesthetists Featherstone Professorship is named after the founder of the Association of Anaesthetists, and past president Dr Henry Featherstone (1932 – 1935) to recognise his significant contributions to the field of anaesthesia and his leadership in advancing medical education and clinical practice in the specialty. The Featherstone Professorship is awarded to practising anaesthetists, clinicians and scientists who have made a substantial contribution to anaesthesia research and to the specialty of anaesthesia and its related subspecialties.

The Professorship aims to encourage those in the early stages of developing their career. The purpose of the award is to recognise the work of recipients and facilitate their progress in the academic world. Those who show equivalent excellence in teaching and education will also be eligible. 

Applicants must demonstrate that they are performing at a high level and provide details of their contribution to anaesthetic research and one or more additional field such as safety, education, innovation, international development and leadership through the completion of an application form. 

Featherstone Professorships are held for two years, during which the holder may be invited to deliver a Featherstone Oration at an Association event. 

Successful recipients will receive the Featherstone Professorship certificate and will be entitled to use the title Featherstone Professor for the two years of their appointment.

Eligibility: Can be awarded to practicing Association members and non-members, including scientists and clinicians. 

Nomination: By self-nomination by application form. 

The deadline for nominations is 23:59 on Wednesday 13 August 2025. Awards will be presented at the Winter Scientific Meeting in London in January 2026.


  • 2023: Nicholas Levy | Fiona Kelly
  • 2022: Kariem El-Boghdadly
  • 2021: Brendan McGrath
  • 2020: Nuala Lucas
  • 2019: Rachel Collis | Matthew Wilson
  • 2018: William Fawcett
  • 2017: Richard Griffiths
  • 2016: Cyprian Mendonca
  • 2015: Andrew Bodenham
  • 2014: Steve Yentis